
TORCH has compiled several maps on our member hospitals, clinics, quality and outcomes. Please click on the links to download. Maps will be updated quarterly if updates are needed.
Co. Designations (TX Rural, HPSA, MUA/P)
Hospitals Group 1 (Rural Hospitals, CAHs, Hospital Ownership, Closures)
Hospitals Group 2 (Rural Hospitals & Rural Health Clinics, OB/Hospitals)
Hospital Rankings (Primary Care, Health Factors, Health Outcomes)
Political Group 1 (TX House, TX Senate, COGs)
Political Group 2 (US Congressional Map)
Regions Group 1 (RHPs, RACs, Regional Economic Zones)
Regions Group 2 (Managed Care Areas, AHECs, Texas Worforce Board)
*Maps are as of June 2019