COVID-19 Resource Page
Things are changing daily as the healthcare industry responds to COVID-19. We have put together a resource page to help support our rural hospitals.
We will continue to send updates out via our networking forums and encourage our members to collaborate as you work to establish policy and procedures, and care for the sick in your community.
Thank you to all our local healthcare heroes! Please take a minute and watch the attached video.
Federal Resources
World Wide Interactive Map
CDC Coronavirus website information
President's Guidelines For America to Slow the Spread
HIPPA Privacy & COVID-19
Updates: 3/12: CDC announced a lab change that will allow labs to accept nasopharyngeal swabs and no longer require oropharyngeal swabs (limited details below).
- CDC Lab Change: No written guidance available yet, but DSHS noted that CDC is going to change lab guidance to indicate that public health labs/CDC will soon accept nasopharyngeal swabs and no longer require oropharyngeal swabs for those submissions (this official announcement will come soon).
Aim questions to: [email protected] for clarification.
Specific to DSHS, intent is that the local public health official either comes to the hospital campus to assist the hospital in submitting the specimen or provides guidance over the phone. It is this connection that helps determine which lab will receive the specimen, etc.
State Resources
COVID-19 State Resource for Hospitals
Prohibition of Nonessential Visitors
Rural Hospital Specific Resources
PPE Allotments
Sample Screening & Patient Access Policy
Sample Restriction & Hospital Hotline Policy
EMTALA Obligations
HHSC Regulatory COVID-19 letter
LTC Visitor Signage
Strategies to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in LTCF
Ventilator Survey Results
Return to Work Following Travel Policy
Sample Community COVID-19 Communication
Medicare Telehealth Code List