Despite a small silver-lining that there have been no rural Texas hospital closures since January 2020, Texas and much of the nation is in the grips of a rural hospital closure crisis. There are many reasons a hospital may close ranging from declining reimbursement levels, shrinking population, swelling uncompensated care, and increasing operating cost. Yet, our rural communities deserve to have good health care and hospital access. It is a crisis that needs to be fully addressed by the Texas Legislature and the Congress of the United States.
Additional information on Texas rural hospital closures:
List of Texas Rural Hospital Closures Since 1965
Map of Recent Texas Rural Hospital Closures
Impact of a Rural Hospital Closure
- Texas leads the nation in rural hospital closures.
- 26 Texas rural hospital closures (permanently or temporarily) have occurred in 22 communities since the beginning of 2010. Nationally, more than 120 rural hospitals have closed in the same time frame.
- CHQPR study estimates 76 rural Texas hospitals are at risk of closure and 12 rural Texas hospitals are at immediate risk of closing.
- The closures are taking an economic toll on Texas as a rural hospital closure – on average – costs 170 jobs and an annual payroll of $22 million.
- Closures have a ripple effect in the community reducing sales tax revenue to local government, reducing school student numbers driving down state payments to the local school, and hurting local businesses across the community.
Additional information on Texas rural hospital closures:
List of Texas Rural Hospital Closures Since 1965
Map of Recent Texas Rural Hospital Closures
Impact of a Rural Hospital Closure